My life’s purpose revolves around the most pressing issue my generation is facing: the climate crisis. From a young age, I developed a deep concern for the Earth’s wellbeing. I have, therefore, made it my mission to lead my community in the fight for climate adaptation and mitigation.  The climate crisis, however, cannot be discussed without considering food systems, and vice versa. Given the critical issues with our current farming practices, I’ve developed a profound interest in the intersection of sustainability and food systems. Specifically, I have sought to understand ways of reducing the impact of industrial farming on the environment. Throughout high school, I have dedicated my time to sustainable initiatives, including experimenting with hydroponic structures, developing our town’s free organic gardens, teaching food and sustainability to middle schoolers, and working on environmental outreach and communications, among other endeavors. Using my background on international urban gardens, I joined an architecture firm’s team in a project to re-envision a more sustainable town in Italy, including innovative ideas like food growing alternatives. Global food production is both a victim and a part of climate change. With my collegiate education, I hope to be equipped with the tools to transform food systems and make them more sustainable and resilient to the unstable climate: whether that means taking part in research, implementing policy, or advocating for nationwide change.